海关联盟cutr认证|俄罗斯测试认证中心TEST CERT LTD
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俄罗斯标准-测试认证中心 "Стандарт-Тест"




化工品海关联盟SGR国家注册证,SGR,State registration certificate for chemicals of Rospotrebnadzor
来源: | 作者:pmt579fb4 | 发布时间: 2019-07-16 | 839 次浏览 | 分享到:

State registration certificate for chemicals

Chemicals, which are imported and distributed throughout the territory of the Customs Union, are subject to state registration by Rospotrebnadzor. Chemicals group comprises a large class of chemical products, which includes

Paints and varnishes;
Construction materials;
Household chemicals.
All chemical products can be divided into two classes: for civil and industrial use. For most household chemicals and almost all chemicals for industrial use is required state registration certificate, which can be obtained in the central or territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor.

Not all products are subject to sanitary government registration. Expert conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor can be obtained for some chemicals. It can be issued on a voluntary basis to avoid difficulties during distribution of products.

We provide highly professional assistance in obtaining state registration certificate for chemical products of any purpose.

What documents are needed to get sanitary government registration for chemicals

The applicant for obtaining state registration certification can be the manufacturer as well as the seller by proxy. The documents for foreign-made products are somewhat broader than for goods made in Russia.

In both cases, a package of necessary documents includes:

The statement, if it takes the seller, due to a power of attorney from the manufacturer
Technological and regulatory documents - GOSTs, specifications and other, in addition - the formulation and specification indicating the chemical in a percentage.
Layouts of etiquette and packaging;
Product sample.
For foreign-made goods except those documents are require

Certifications according to international quality systems
Permission of distributing the goods in the country of origin;
Safety Data Sheet, registered in Rospotrebnadzor;
Resolution on the importation throughout the territory of the Customs Union product samples for testing.

Documents should be translated into Russian.

State registration certificate you can obtain with our help in 7 days, depending on the particular product.

Before we begin to cooperate, we discuss the terms of this process and cost.

Make a request for certificate of state registration through the special form on the site.


021-36411223  021-36411293

邮件:gost@gost.org.cn    gost-r@163.com





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